Alva was Thomas Edison’s middle name. Edison was known as both an incredible inventor and an out of the box thinker who wasn’t afraid to go against convention to try something new. One of his most famous quotes is: I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. We believe that is analogous to the diagnostics industry trying to make an impact in patient care.We founded Alva10 to find ways to make it work.
Our logo is the mathematical symbol for proportionality, and our mission to create an ecosystem that pulls diagnostics into our healthcare system and pays for them in proportion to the value they provide.
We define payers as anyone who pays for care—this includes commercial insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare contractors, Medicaid contractors, employers, employer benefit groups, retiree benefit groups; and less frequently, physicians and patients. While we recognize these all as ‘Payers’, we have chosen to give the employer-specific group a dedicated page regarding how we work for them, which can be found HERE. More traditionally defined payers can find specific information regarding how we work them HERE.
Our partners consider us to be ‘honest brokers’ as we sit between the payer and diagnostic industries. In some situations, payers may ask us to do work helping them assess areas of inefficient spend, identifying diagnostics that can be covered in ordered to address a specific concern or developed to fit a need. In other situations, we may be working with the diagnostic developer, ensuring that the data development plan fits with what the payer outlined in the MATE™.
Yes, but investment is not necessary in order to develop the diagnostic—what is necessary is clear understanding of the clinical utility required and the level of evidence required for coverage.
We work with leading KOLs and local physicians in any particular disease area to ensure that the diagnostic we are developing is going to be used and trusted by doctors. This information is also critical to payers, as physician use and compliance is required for cost savings enabled by a diagnostic to be activated.